Home / Why Taranaki Area / Manaia
These services include being able to register your dog, pay your rates or inquire about obtaining a building permit. Other services include a Tot Time for the under 5s, a regular crossword morning and book clubs catering to both children and adults. The LibraryPlus also has numerous APN computers, offering free internet and Skype to the public.
Yarrows Family Bakers employs around 250 people, and has been the main business in Manaia since 1923. The company manufactures fresh and frozen breads and bakery products. Its clients include Foodstuffs, Subway, and Pams
In 2007, a 14 year old Jack Russell terrier called George died protecting 5 local children from an attack by two pit bull terriers. He was given a posthumous PDSA Gold Medal, the animal equivalent of the George Cross, at a special ceremony in Manaia in February 2009. The town has also erected a statue in his honour
History: Only a small town, Manaia has its history still visible with the Manaia Redoubt still present.
Built around 1880 on the site of a former pa (Te Takahe) during peacetime, this redoubt and wooden watchtower was created for the passive resistance of the Parihaka chief, Te Whiti o Rongomai, and his followers. The wooden watchtower (35 feet high) was blown down in a storm and replaced in 1912 by a concrete one still standing today amidst the 18-hole golf course surrounded by two original blockhouses. Also, trenches surround the tower and blockhouses. It could house 160 men and all the timber used for the construction was pit sawn locally by the constables.
The golf course is one of the oldest in Taranaki, created around 1905.
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