
Providing the very best possible service

Our team are encouraged at all times to provide the very best possible service to our clients and customers. If you have received service that you consider has more than met your expectations or which in your view deserves special mention, we would appreciate you letting us know. Feel free to contact our Managing Director, Daniel McDonald at

The Code of Conduct: The Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (Code of Conduct) set out the standard of professional conduct and client care required of our agency. You can view the Code of Conduct here:

Making a complaint

McDonald Real Estate Ltd in-house complaint process
McDonald Real Estate Ltd has an established customer complaint process. In the event that the service provided by a salesperson licensee does not meet the expectation of the prospective client, client or customer, those concerns should be addressed in the first instance to the Branch Manager concerned. If a satisfactory outcome is not achieved, the matter may be referred in writing to our Managing Director, Daniel McDonald at who will register the issue as a formal complaint and action it in accordance with the in-house procedures. 

Making a Complaint Through the R.E.A.
Prospective clients, clients or customers should be aware that they may access the Real Estate Authority complaints process without first using the in-house procedures; and that any use of the in-house procedures does not preclude their making a complaint to the Authority. You can make a complaint here.

The R.E.A. can be contacted at their mailing address below:

The Real Estate Authority
Level 4, The Todd Building
95 Customhouse Quay
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Through their website here or via their online contact form here.


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We will only contact you with relevant information. For further information view our full Privacy Policy.