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Property Management FAQs blog July 2023
Most common FAQs from landlords
Landlords often reach out to us to ask about the...
Sales - June (1)
How to compare real estate agents
If you want to sell your house, ensuring you work...
Rural - June
Rural valuations with Hutchins and Dick
This month, the McDonald Real Estate rural team contacted Shaun...
Landlord access
Landlord access to rented properties - what are your rights?
In this article, we explore the landlord’s right to access...
[COM] McDonald Real Estate blog image
Everything you need to know about buying a business
Buying a business is a complicated undertaking, so you must...
[COM] Buying a commercial property
Everything you need to know about buying a commercial property
Buying commercial property is a daunting process but it can...
Everything you need to know about leasing a commercial property
When it comes to leasing commercial property, there are a...
Rural - May (3)
Working together with Fonterra
The McDonald Real Estate rural team got in touch with...
10 things tenants want in a rental
10 things tenants want in a rental property
Do you know what your ideal tenants are looking for?...
tax-deductible blog image
Are property manager’s fees tax-deductible?
Did you know that if you own a rental property,...
Farm home nz (1)
Why you may need property management for your farm accommodation
Many farmers choose to use additional dwellings on their farms...
Sales - April (1)
What is a Rateable Value (RV)?
In this article, we delve deeper into the concept of...