Checklist for leasing a Property

Congratulations! You have made the important decision to lease a premises to run your business from. To ensure you get the best use of the site to run your business and therefor get the result you desire, there are a number of things that we suggest you need to review before signing a lease. Depending on your requirements, there can be several different sites available that could suit your needs, so you should take the time to view all the available sites that tick the boxes that are important to you. In most cases, well presented premises will lease quicker than a poorly presented site, so while you may be swayed by the first impression, a measured and reasoned approach and looking at all the factors will benefit you in your decision. On the following pages there are some suggestions for you to review that will assist in getting the right result. If you are at all unsure about anything then please feel free to call us. L E A S I N G A P R E M I S E S