A journey begins

In 1899 Mick McDonald emigrates from Ireland to Taranaki. Prior to heading off on his journey, stories suggest he had not heard of New Zealand.

A true pioneer, Mick first finds work as a farm hand in Waverley. Through the early 1900s he holds several jobs, including operating a livery stable in Eltham.

Mick McDonald & Jack Larmer

A True Pioneer

Mick is married in 1910 and purchased a farm on the outskirts of Stratford. He began negotiating livestock and butterfat sales.



McDonald Real Estate is born

Mick begins to negotiate land sales.

Mick McDonald (centre) in 1917

His journals provide a fascinating insight into the life and spirit of the pioneers of Taranaki. They include records of his dealings in many areas, with some land sales from as low as £10.00 per acre.

Mick becomes a popular local figure by standing outside one of Stratford’s Hotels and talking to other settlers. He reportedly carries a notebook and records the names of those looking to sell land in the front, and those wishing to purchase land in the back.


Our first office opens in Stratford

Mick opens the first McDonald Real Estate office on Broadway, in Stratford, where the company is still based today.

Business grows and the entrepreneur begins to offer finance to Taranaki families. But the 1930’s Depression hits everyone hard and many are unable to repay their debts, nearly bankrupting the fledgling company.

Broadway Stratford circa 1930

Tom McDonald, Mick’s son, aged 23, joins his father in the real estate business.

Together they operate a successful father-son partnership until the late 1950’s, when Mick retires.


Tom McDonald joins


Mick McDonald passes away, aged 82



Peter McDonald joins

Peter McDonald, Tom’s son, aged 23, becomes the 3rd generation to join the family business.


Mike McDonald joins

Another of Tom’s sons, Mike McDonald joins McDonald Real Estate, which quickly becomes the highest performing rural sales team in Taranaki.

As the sales team expands, McDonald Real Estate becomes a dominant player in the residential house market throughout Central Taranaki.


Eltham office opens

McDonald Real Estate opens it’s Eltham office expanding further south of Stratford.


Inglewood office opens

Our Inglewood office is hard to miss being a large beautiful heritage building located on the corner as you turn into the main street.

The powerful eieio brand is introduced into the company’s marketing, radio & personalised number plates.

Stratford office expands with the opening of the “Farm Shop”, sealing the company’s position as the top rural sales team in the region, a position that is still held in today’s competitive environment.



eieio website launches

McDonald Real Estate launches their website eieio.co.nz, further enhancing the eieio brand.


John McDonald joins

Another brother John McDonald takes the torch from the retiring Mike McDonald. After 30 years dairy farming, keen surfer John establishes himself in rural sales around the coast.



Waitara Office Opens

The fourth McDonald Real Estate office opens on the main street of Waitara.

Hāwera Office Opens

The following year, our Hāwera office opens and is the southern most office location.

McDonald Real Estate become members of the NZ Realtors Network. A collection of New Zealand’s most influential Real Estate agencies working together as a powerful network.


Tom McDonald passes away


Tom McDonald, who had remained active in the business until his last days, passes away.


Ōakura office opens

McDonald Real Estate opens it’s sixth office in the coastal village of Ōakura.

Oakura beach from the campsite

Peter’s son, Daniel McDonald, at 22 years of age, becomes the 4th generation to join the family firm.


Daniel McDonald joins


New Plymouth office opens

McDonald Real Estate opens the New Plymouth office, marking complete coverage of the Taranaki region. McDonald Real Estate now offers the full suite of real estate services; Residential, Lifestyle, Rural, Commercial & Industrial, and Property Management.


REINZ President

Peter McDonald becomes President of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), helping to guide the industry through legislative change. Peter was made a life member of REINZ in 2011.


Celebrating 100 years

McDonald Real Estate celebrates 100 years of services to the people of Taranaki.


NZ Order of Merit

Peter McDonald is made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to real estate and the community.

The last of the eight offices is opened, consolidating McDonald Real Estate’s dominant presence around the mountain.

McDonald Real Estate becomes the largest Property Management provider in Taranaki


Ōpunake Office Opens


Luke McDonald joins

John’s son Luke joins his father in the real estate business after returning to Taranaki from abroad.

Daniel is elected to the board of the NZ Realtor’s Network and becomes REINZ ambassador for Taranaki.


John McDonald retires

John retires after 25 years. Over this time he became fondly known as ‘Uncle John’ throughout the company.

John at the Kumara Patch

The journey continues...

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