
Normanby is a vibrant little village a couple of minutes drive north of Hawera it has a primary school and some light industrial business.

It is also the turn off when going to the famous Tawhiti Museum.

History: Normanby was named after the second Marquess of Normanby, governor of New Zealand from 1874 to 1879. The township was established in the 1870s, but the earlier Waihī military post had been established in 1866 by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas McDonnell. The massive wooden stockade and blockhouses were on the high ground overlooking the tiny Waihī cemetery and an old pā site, Mangamanga. The post was manned by the armed constabulary until 1885. In the cemetery is a memorial to the Pākehā soldiers killed in 1868 at Turuturumōkai and Te Ngutu-o-te-manu. The Normanby domain was the site of the 1879 Ketemarae redoubt, and is the site of another memorial to Pākehā casualties of the 1868–69 conflicts.


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Properties available in Normanby

4 Von Tempsky Street, Normanby, South Taranaki
0n Mawhitiwhiti Road, Normanby, South Taranaki

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